Nerd Louisville 2015 Financial Report
Nerd Louisville 2015 Financial Report
By Andy B.
As the Secretary/Treasurer of NerdLouisville, Inc., I am responsible for the finances of our 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Earlier this month, I presented NerdLouisville’s 2015 bank statements and paypal transactions to the other members of the board of directors. With their permission, I am sharing them with the public in our 2015 Financial Report.
A couple of things I hope you will learn from this report:
#1 We are transparent and responsible in our use of donated funds.
#2 We are poor as shit. We ended the year with $74.88. We don’t even have enough funding to cover most of the website costs- Mike is paying a lot of them out of his personal pocket. So please donate! With a little more support, we could do some awesome stuff to advance our mission of bringing nerds together to promote nerd culture in Louisville.
Donor names have been concealed for privacy and account numbers have been concealed for security, but hopefully each donor can see where his or her donation was deposited based on dates and amounts. If anyone would like clarification about any of the transactions, please ask.
The link to the financial report .pdf is below…