Greetings, Nerds of the Ville!

February might be cold, but the gaming tables are heating up! Whether you’re rolling dice, strategizing your next board game victory, or diving deep into a new campaign, there’s no shortage of nerdy fun happening around Louisville.

This month, we’ve got tons of events to keep you busy—from Slur Your Role and Friday Night Gaming to Young Questers and Love Thy Gamer. Plus, we’re gearing up for some regional conventions you won’t want to miss!

We’re also spotlighting one of our own: Meet Jonathon Myhre, a Nerd Louisville board member who might (or might not) be Batman.

And finally, a huge thank you to everyone who helped with our recent giving initiative. Your generosity keeps our community strong!

Read on for all the details, and as always—stay nerdy, Louisville!

With excitement and gratitude,
The Nerd Louisville Board

Upcoming Events – Roll for Adventure!

Looking for your next game night? Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or just rolling your first dice, Nerd Louisville has something for you! From Slur Your Role at Kaiju to Friday Night Gaming at Otaku and our growing Girls Nerd Out and Young Questers meetups, there’s no shortage of ways to connect, play, and geek out with fellow nerds.

Check out the upcoming events below, mark your calendars, and join us for another round of gaming, fun, and community!

Scheduled Events:

  • February 15: Young Questers #3, Northeast Library
  • February 21: Friday Night Gaming #13 at Otaku, 6:00 PM
  • February 23: Slur Your Role #158 at Kaiju, 5:30 PM

  • March 9: Slur Your Role #159 at Kaiju, 5:30 PM
  • March 11: Girls Nerd Out #6 at Otaku, 6:00 PM
  • March 21: Friday Night Gaming #14 at Otaku, 6:00 PM
  • March 23: Slur Your Role #160 at Kaiju, 5:30 PM

  • April XX: Young Questers #4, Location/Date TBD
  • April 8: Girls Nerd Out #7 at Otaku, 6:00 PM
  • April 13: Slur Your Role #161 at Kaiju, 5:30 PM
  • April 27: Slur Your Role #162 at Kaiju, 5:30 PM
  • April 28: Friday Night Gaming #15 at Otaku, 6:00 PM

We’re always looking for volunteers to help make these events amazing! Whether you’d like to run a game, assist with setup, or lend a hand during the event, we’d love to have you on board. Sign up at the link below to get involved!

Meet a Board Member:

Jonathon Myhre

President, Nerd Louisville

  • What’s your day-walker job? (What do you do when you’re not helping Nerd Louisville take over the world?)
      • I am the Office Bard at Iron Fortress America or sometimes better known as Epic Armoury. Those in the LARP community, they know. 
  • What made you interested in Nerd Louisville?
      • The TTRPGs with Friday Night Gaming at Hero’s and Slur Your Role at Kaiju.
  • How did your nerd origin story begin? (What first got you into nerdy things?)
      • Oof, well that was over a dozen years ago when I learned what D&D was. Although… When I discovered Final Fantasy 7 (FF7) when I got my first Playstation, yea that was when I became hooked. 
  • If you had a superhero alias, what would it be and what’s your power?
      • That’s too easy, you may know me as Batman. I mean, have you seen Batman and myself in the same room?
  • What’s your all-time favorite tabletop RPG, and why?
      • It’s all in the name, Dragonbane… that is Mr. Dragonbane. It’s fast, smooth and addictive. 
  • You can game with any fictional character—who’s at your table and what are you playing?
      • Harry Dresden from the Dresden Files written by Jim Butcher, Johnny Bravo, Tommy from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Picard from Star Trek and Dr. Ian Malcom from Jurassic Park. The six of us are playing Tomb of Horrors using the Shadowdark system from Arcane Library.
  • What’s your go-to board game for a game night?
      • I’m not a big board game player but I do love Gloomhaven. I’m a 3rd of the way through a Gloomhaven campaign and I want to play Frosthaven afterwards!
  • If you could live in any sci-fi or fantasy universe, where would you go?
      • It would have to be the universe of Final Fantasy 9.
  • What’s a book, show, or movie that had the biggest impact on your nerd journey?
      • Between Star Wars (fantasy) and Star Trek (science), both of these played huge parts to my childhood, ushering me into nerdom. 
  • What’s the best RPG session or campaign moment you’ve ever had?
      • I played a Human Lycanthroupe Witcher (Blood Hunter) known as Aldarian. I gave a heroic speech to my fellow adventurers, telling them to run as we were crossing a river while I was about to facedown a zombish Tyrannosaurus Rex called Destroyha. The rest of the party safely crossed the river and I had a nasty bite taken out of me but Aldarian lived on. Man, I would love to play that character again. 
  • What’s your alignment? (And does it match your real-life personality?)
      • I say I’m a mix between Neutral Good and Chaotic Good. I love helping others but at the same time I’m frequently going against the grain. Challenging systems that don’t work, using those lessons to help others when I see others trying to connect the dots. 
  • What’s the nerdiest thing you’ve ever done?
      • Used D&D as a pickup line. 
  • If you could recommend one nerdy Louisville spot, what would it be?
    • I’ll do you one better… I’ve give you two answers. For those under 21, the awesome Game Shops we have around Louisville. Miso’s, Card N All, Golden Keep or TCB Toys & Games. But for those that are 21+, KAIJU!! I’m a big fan of Godzilla and Kaiju knows how to mix nerd culture + adult beverages. 

🎲 Regional Cons to Check Out! 🎲

Looking to take your nerdy adventures on the road? There are plenty of awesome conventions happening in and around Louisville this year! Whether you’re into tabletop RPGs, board games, anime, or general geek culture, these cons are great places to roll dice, meet fellow nerds, and discover something new. Check out the list below and start planning your next con adventure!

  • Love Thy Gamer (Louisville, KY) – March 1st
  • LouisvilleCon (Louisville, KY) – April 19th
  • LexiCon (Lexington, KY) – April 25th – 27th
  • Buckeye Game Fest (Columbus, OH) – May 1st – 4th
  • Etown Anime-Fest (Bowling Green, KY) – May 4th
  • Origins Game Fair (Columbus, OH) – June 18th – 22nd
  • Charcon (Charleston, WV) – July 11th – 13th
  • Frankfort Anime-Fest (Frankfort, KY) – July 12th
  • Louisville Anime-Fest (Louisville, KY) – July 13th
  • GenCon (Indianopolis, IN) – July 31st – August 2nd
  • Bowling Green Anime-Fest (Bowling Green) – October 19th

Thank You for Giving!

We want to send a huge thank you to everyone who joined us for Slur Your Role 156 and supported Family Emergency Food Relief! Your generosity helped provide more than $150 worth of groceries and essential goods to those in need, making a real impact in our community. Because of you, we were able to donate everything to Cardinal Cupboard, ensuring these resources reach families facing hardship.

A special shoutout to those who brought extra donations and participated in the raffle, your kindness and support never go unnoticed! Events like these remind us that the Nerd Louisville community is not just about games, but about coming together to make a difference.

Missed this one? Don’t worry! We’ll have more opportunities later this year to game for a great cause, so stay tuned. Until then, thank you for making Slur 156 a night to remember!

Nerd Louisville is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the state of Kentucky and your gifts are considered tax-deductible contributions.

Contact Info

P.O. Box 211174
Louisville, KY 40221

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